For all you gNerds out there, its a new Core Calendar!
I can call you a gNerd because I'm the biggest one of them all! For many reasons (including the fact that Google is just so darn cool) we've decided to put together a Core calendar. Just go to and search calendars for "Core Community", we should be the first one that shows up. If you did not already receive an invite or if you don't have permissions to add events, just email me (Jason) and I'll set that up for you.
This is a Core "Community" - not because we meet together, but because we live life together. A silly piece of technology is not going to make that happen (but we can use it to help).
See you at movie night tonight!
This is a Core "Community" - not because we meet together, but because we live life together. A silly piece of technology is not going to make that happen (but we can use it to help).
See you at movie night tonight!
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