An Awesome Article
You absolutely must read this article:
The Singer Solution to World Poverty
I first read this article when it was presented to me in my AP English class in my senior year of high school. It really moved me then, and is hitting me in whole new ways now that I am more financially independent.
In it the philosopher Peter Singer challenges the our understanding of the morality of our economic choices. I won't go deep into my own thoughts on the matter right now, because I don't want to take away from Singer's article. Seriously, a must read.
The Singer Solution to World Poverty
I first read this article when it was presented to me in my AP English class in my senior year of high school. It really moved me then, and is hitting me in whole new ways now that I am more financially independent.
In it the philosopher Peter Singer challenges the our understanding of the morality of our economic choices. I won't go deep into my own thoughts on the matter right now, because I don't want to take away from Singer's article. Seriously, a must read.
man i thought i had heard the last of peter singer. we had to read that article on marginal utility freshman year.
it influenced me but not the point that it probably should (which is the point of the article i guess)... i am barely getting by as it is but that is because i have a lot of extra stuff i could do without. practically half of my bills are luxury items like cable, car insurance for 2 cars, mobile phone, etc.
By Anonymous, at Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:59:00 PM
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