Richmond Core Community

Friday, June 30, 2006

The Richmond Forum

Each year, the Richmond Forum is a venue for distinguished and interesting speakers to come and talk about provocative topics. This coming seasion, Malcolm Gladwell (author of Blink and The Tipping Point) & Alvin Toffler, are coming to do a talk on social change and the nature of innovation. The talk is on January 13, 2007 but we need to go ahead and order tickets now. Tickets should be around $30 and we get a group discount for 10 or more people. Feel free to open this up to people not in the Core but I'll definitely need money before I order the tickets. Let me know in the next week or so if you're interested.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Adventure(!!!!) on Belle Isle

This Sunday, June 25th at noon, we're going on an adventure(!) to check out the old hydro-electric plant across from where we meet for Core each week (see the pic to the left). The rocks shouldn't be as flooded as they are in the picture.

If they are, Cory has volunteered to carry people across the river on his back!

Lets meet in the lobby of River Towers, we're leaving at 12:05 so if you're coming be there then or call me and tell me (540-818-2103) you're coming.

Friday, June 09, 2006

For all you gNerds out there, its a new Core Calendar!

I can call you a gNerd because I'm the biggest one of them all! For many reasons (including the fact that Google is just so darn cool) we've decided to put together a Core calendar. Just go to and search calendars for "Core Community", we should be the first one that shows up. If you did not already receive an invite or if you don't have permissions to add events, just email me (Jason) and I'll set that up for you.

This is a Core "Community" - not because we meet together, but because we live life together. A silly piece of technology is not going to make that happen (but we can use it to help).

See you at movie night tonight!