Richmond Core Community

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Game Night - the girls win (just barely)!

So perhaps the girls won but it was almost a tie (if you don't count one of their turns and give us a turn back which really wasn't fair since they got such easy questions). But, of course, the guys are not bitter.

This was a great second week for the Core Community. In just two short weeks, God has blessed our very new community with an astoning amount of unity and devotion to one another. Week in and week out, people are building Core Community into the rhythm of their week - and their life.

Here is a group of people that we can live life together with. Here is a place where we can learn to live for God from each other. Here we can experience life together. Something extraordinary is happening, I'm excited to see God takes us from here. I'm looking forward to the new year ahead of us and how all of our lives will be changed because we decided to include each other in it.

Next week is a dinner party, this will be the culmination of our "Useless Gatherings" series so be sure to check it out. See you on Thursday!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Redemption Story

I beat Jason to posting about the movie (I'm more of a night owl, Jason's pretty good at mornings). I'd never seen the movie Chocolat before tonight's Core Community and to be honest, I never thought I had missed anything at all. How wrong I was! It still amazes me how a visual story is so powerful to us - how it can take something abstract, something complex, and lay it out in the open for us. I found many things in the movie interesting, but there was one aspect that I found quite appropriate for our group because it had to do with community. When Vianne arrived in the village, she and her daughter came to a community that was held together by tradition. The mayor saw to it that tradition ruled the town. Relationships were broken all over town. You see this poignantly in his own life (his wife has left him) and obviously with Caroline and her mother Armande. But still, everyone in town showed up to Sunday mass because it was what they did. For the most part, everyone in the town kept to themselves. It took someone - that was perceived as an evil person because she was outside of what they considered proper - to shake the town up little by little just by caring for people. Vianne didn't march to the mayor's office or bust into church to declare how women were being wronged. No, she offered what she had - chocolate and some good company.

It's a wonderful story of a town's redemption, and I long for these stories to exist where we live. I don't believe we change the world thousands at a time - I think it has to be done on a one-on-one basis. By forming relationships that are based on true compassion and concern, that's how our communities are redeemed. When our communities - whether it be a group of friends or a church body - come together as a group that cares for each other unconditionally, we thrive. And it is these thriving communities that draw people to them. Would anyone really want to move to that town to live - to join in the misery? I'd bet that people would be far more likely to buy a house in the post-chocolat town. I think it is important to note that the town wasn't good because people stopped going to church and were living a sinful life. The young priest, Pere Henri had a great quote at the end of the movie:
“I want to talk about Christ’s humanity, I mean how he lived his life on earth: his kindness, his tolerance. We must measure our goodness, not by what we don’t do, what we deny ourselves, what we resist, or who we exclude. Instead, we should measure ourselves by what we embrace, what we create, and who we include.”

I'm excited about our Core Community group. I've longed for the fellowship since leaving Blacksburg over a year ago. A true community is a powerful thing and I have high hopes for this one.

Feel free to comment on the movie - you can talk about something I've touched on, or bring up a new topic all together.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Time change for Core Community - 8pm

Wow, we've been talking about Core Community for months and its finally here! THIS Thursday at 8pm over at my place (check out directions on the right side of the page). Please note the time change though. We decided to move things to 8pm to give people time to get home from work and eat before you come over and not be in a rush.

This is the first week of our Useless Gatherings series. We'll be watching a movie and interacting some afterwards. We'll see you then!