Richmond Core Community

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The "Useless" Gatherings

So my idea for the first several gathering of the core community is a series called The "Useless" Gatherings. I usually always start a new small group off with something social anyways. It would be a three part series. The first useless gathering would be a movie night. The second will probably be a game night and/or a potluck dinner (cause there's nothing more religious than potlucks right?!). The last useless gathering would be a party. Following the "useless" series would be The Unveiling, during which we would lay out the vision for the core community.

The concept behind the name "useless gathering" is basically stating that most people sabatogue community before they even start because they devalue simple basic social interaction. The point is that simple social interaction is the foundation of a vibrant community and the fact that its viewed as a peripheral activity is the reason why there is so little community in our society today. Using the descriptive "useless" is just a tongue-in-cheek way of calling that out.

What do you think? Comments? I have an idea for the movie night but do people have ideas for the game/potluck night - something that would add a little bit of a twist and include lots of social interaction? I know I'm asking a lot...


  • Sup bro? I am so ready to start these gatherings. It's important to start off such a group with social gatherings, to get a feel for each other. Otherwise, it becomes simply another meeting, and I already have a butt load of those at work ;-)

    Game night - I have always been a fan of Catch Phrase. I also liked when, in Homegroup last year, pairs of index cards were given out with actions. For example, two people would get a card that has "delivering a baby." Upon "go," they were to act out whatever their card said to find each other in the room. After this, they could introduce each other to the group.

    I wouldn't mind a community service type of gig where we all get together at someone's place and make peanut butter & jelly sandwiches to hand out to the homeless somewhere in downtown Richmond. Something to think about.


    By Blogger Ian Davis, at Thursday, September 22, 2005 1:12:00 PM  

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